Genre: Comedy/ Hip Hop/ Comic Book

“Donut Boyz" is a comic book influenced comedy centered around man-child hip hop crew leader, "Young Jelly D", who won't give up on his childhood dream of signing with a record label, but recognizes he can’t make it to the top alone. Armed with passion, skills and reckless abandon, he is able to convince his college homies to walk away from their comfortable corporate lives to once again chase a long shot dream they once had. Only this time, their careers, relationships and freedoms are at stake.

Donut Boyz explores the current world we live in, including themes of racial injustice, family dynamics, self expression, and how black men from various perspectives and challenges come together for a common goal. It also bridges the gap from old school to new school hip hop using music and comic book style action and motifs throughout.

About the series

Comparable Projects: Audience

Target Audience: 18-40 years, mainstream appeal, skews male

Averaged 4.8 million total viewers per episode across all platforms, which represents a ridiculous 2112% increase over its on-air average of just 217,000 viewers

North American box office debut at #2. Created one of the first and most memorable internet memes.Tarantino counted Friday as one of his 20 favorite movies from 1992 to 2009

Predominately Black cast with mainstream appeal. Premiered to 11.04M viewers

2.6 million followers. A fresh and modern day approach on content like 'Friday'.

16.2 million subscribers. Black insight delivered with comedy

Comparable Projects: Visually